Thursday, April 7, 2011

Look Familiar?

With Devin crawling and starting to pull up on stuff, it was time to pull out the baby gate. Since the last baby gate we have obviously made changes to the house, so I had to buy one that would fit a 9 1/2 foot space. Not easy to find. But we found one and had to do some rigging to get it into place, thanks to my wonderful Dad! Thanks Dad! So now both the dogs and Devin are caged in the living room. Makes my life a bit easier not having to worry about her getting into stuff. Awesome!

Devin and the dogs

 Deja Vu?
Alex and the Dogs


Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

So cute...that is so nice not to have to worry about her getting into things (ha ha ha!)

Ashley King said...

Sooo funny - your poor "caged" kids ;) I can't believe you found a gate that would work in that big space! I bet that makes life a little easier.